


Our fees for Wills start from:-

Single: £175.00 (plus VAT)
Joint: £265.00 (plus VAT)

Most of our Wills are dealt with for these fixed prices, however if the Will is more complex or requires additional documents to be prepared, the costs increase. The estimated costs for your Will(s) are therefore agreed with you at the first meeting.

Additional works:-

Sometimes, to carry out your requirements under your Will, further works are necessary to amend/update your title deeds to your property.  These are generally as follows:-

Severance of Joint Tenancy: Start at £85.00 (plus VAT) plus Land Registry fees
Transfer a Property to  Joint Tenancy: £125.00 (plus VAT) plus Land Registry fees

Lasting Powers of Attorney

Single (either Property & Finances or Health & Welfare): £300.00 (plus VAT) plus £82.00 registration fee
Both (Property & Finances and Health & Welfare): £500.00 (plus VAT) plus 2 x registration fees of £164.00
Both types of Lasting Powers of Attorney for partners (where each create Property & Finances and Health & Welfare): £800.00 (plus VAT) plus 4 x registration fees of £328.00
Creation of a Trust £1,950.00 (plus VAT) plus Land Registry fees and bankruptcy searches – £2.00 per individual  


Additional Estate related legal issues:
Assent of Property (having Title Deeds updated into the names of a Beneficiary rather than selling the Property)
Registered Title: £525.00 (plus VAT) plus Land Registry fees (vary depending on the value of the property)
Unregistered: £675.00 (plus VAT) plus Land Registry fees and disbursements


Obtaining Probate/Letters of Administration on your behalf

We can help you through this difficult process by obtaining the Grant of Probate on your behalf.

Obtaining Grant only: Start at £695.00 (plus VAT) plus Court fees £300.00 plus £1.50 per sealed copy

This assumes that we are acting for the Executors/Administrator, we are provided with a list of the assets with estimated values and the estate is not subject to Inheritance Tax (and no IHT 400 is required to be completed for any other reasons). The fixed costs assume we are instructed to complete the simple IHT205 forms, prepare a Legal Statement to be signed by the Executors (or Administrator if there is not a Will).  We then send the Probate (Letters of Administration if there is not a Will) once received to you and you deal with all asset encashment and distribution to Beneficiaries personally.

Estate Administration

In addition to obtaining Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration, we can assist you in the collecting in and distributing of assets.  We can offer as much or as little help with an estate as the Executors require of us.  We can provide an estimate or illustration of costs after the first meeting once it is apparent what works are required of us on behalf of the Estate.  We will also be able to provide you with an estimate of how long the Estate may take to deal with.

All works conducted in the estate administration will be charged at the hourly rate of your advising Solicitor. The hourly rate applicable will range from £210.00 to £285.00 plus VAT (depending upon the seniority and experience of the Solicitor dealing with your matter) and will be confirmed to you in our initial correspondence.

For details of members of the team who may work on your matter please view our profiles section. The team are supervised by Steven Dawson.