
If you wish to seek to care for a non biological child and wish to secure their placement with you legally, the process for doing that is adoption. Upon an adoption order being made, the natural parents’ parental responsibility is extinguished and vests with the adoptive parents. Legally the child is treated just as if it was the biological child of the adopters, the rights, responsibilities and obligations in relation to that child all vest in the adopters. It is illegal to adopt a child without being assessed and approved by a UK Adoption Agency, for example, Social Services, unless the child is a close relative.

Should you wish to seek an adoption order in relation to a child, then our lawyers can deal with this on your behalf. The cost of such an application will depend upon whether Social Services are involved, the natural parents and of course, if the child is of sufficient understanding, the child’s views themselves.

We are happy to discuss the potential costs with you at an initial free half hour interview.