Family Mediation

What is family mediation?

Family mediation is a process in which an independent, professionally trained mediator helps you work out arrangements for children and finances following separation.

What are the benefits of family mediation?

Mediation can be less stressful, far quicker and significantly cheaper than going to Court to resolve a dispute. It is, therefore, an effective and efficient way of resolving disagreements.

Who does the mediator work for?

Both parties in a completely neutral way.

Can mediation help me?

If you have found yourself in a situation where communication has broken down and you cannot see a way forward, that is where family mediation comes into its own.  Mediators work with separating couples in ways that are flexible and tailor-made for your situation.  You do not have to be in the same space as your ex-partner if you or the mediator decides that working with you in separate spaces would be preferable.

In comparison to court proceedings which can take months between hearings, matters that can be resolved through family mediation can conclude in a much quicker timeframe.

Family mediation permits you to avoid the situation where each party uses their own legal advisor to ‘fight their cause’, having a costly legal battle.  You are in total control of the outcome.

In mediation you are both working together towards a mutual goal and will achieve your objectives through a less stressful process.  Family mediation is for parents/carers who wish to co-parent their children, despite their separation, and minimise the negative impact of divorce/separation on their children.

What does mediation cost?

This depends on whether either or both parties to the family mediation are eligible for legal aid.

Legal aid is available for family mediation which is means tested.  Our mediator will assess your eligibility for legal aid at the start of the process.

If both parties to the mediation are ineligible for legal aid then the mediation charges are as follows:-

Mediation Information & Assessment Meeting – £150 plus VAT per party

Joint mediation sessions – charged at £285 plus VAT per hour.  This cost is then shared between both parties to the mediation.

If the mediation involves a children issue or children with financial issues then our mediator will assess whether an application can be made for a Government voucher.  These vouchers are only issued once and, if successful, the voucher provides a contribution towards the mediation session costs for both parties of £500 inclusive of VAT.  This reduces the overall cost of family mediation.

Please contact our team for further information.

Mediation Referral

Click here to download our mediation referral form.